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Google Dorks

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# Google Dorks Cli
# https://github.com/six2dez/degoogle_hunter
degoogle_hunter.sh company.com

# Google dorks helper

# Code share sites
site:http://ideone.com | site:http://codebeautify.org | site:http://codeshare.io | site:http://codepen.io | site:http://repl.it | site:http://jsfiddle.net "company"
# GitLab/GitHub/Bitbucket
site:github.com | site:gitlab.com | site:bitbucket.org "company"
# Stackoverflow
site:stackoverflow.com "target.com"
# Project management sites
site:http://trello.com | site:*.atlassian.net "company"
# Pastebin-like sites
site:http://justpaste.it | site:http://pastebin.com "company"
# Config files
site:target.com ext:xml | ext:conf | ext:cnf | ext:reg | ext:inf | ext:rdp | ext:cfg | ext:txt | ext:ora | ext:env | ext:ini
# Database files
site:target.com ext:sql | ext:dbf | ext:mdb
# Backup files
site:target.com ext:bkf | ext:bkp | ext:bak | ext:old | ext:backup
# .git folder
inurl:"/.git" target.com -github
# Exposed documents
site:target.com ext:doc | ext:docx | ext:odt | ext:pdf | ext:rtf | ext:sxw | ext:psw | ext:ppt | ext:pptx | ext:pps | ext:csv
# Other files
site:target.com intitle:index.of | ext:log | ext:php intitle:phpinfo "published by the PHP Group" | inurl:shell | inurl:backdoor | inurl:wso | inurl:cmd | shadow | passwd | boot.ini | inurl:backdoor | inurl:readme | inurl:license | inurl:install | inurl:setup | inurl:config | inurl:"/phpinfo.php" | inurl:".htaccess" | ext:swf
# SQL errors
site:target.com intext:"sql syntax near" | intext:"syntax error has occurred" | intext:"incorrect syntax near" | intext:"unexpected end of SQL command" | intext:"Warning: mysql_connect()" | intext:"Warning: mysql_query()" | intext:"Warning: pg_connect()"
# PHP errors
site:target.com "PHP Parse error" | "PHP Warning" | "PHP Error"
# Login pages
site:target.com inurl:signup | inurl:register | intitle:Signup
# Open redirects
site:target.com inurl:redir | inurl:url | inurl:redirect | inurl:return | inurl:src=http | inurl:r=http
# Apache Struts RCE
site:target.com ext:action | ext:struts | ext:do
# Search in pastebin
site:pastebin.com target.com
# Linkedin employees
site:linkedin.com employees target.com
# Wordpress files
site:target.com inurl:wp-content | inurl:wp-includes
# Subdomains
# Sub-subdomains
#Find S3 Buckets
site:.s3.amazonaws.com | site:http://storage.googleapis.com | site:http://amazonaws.com "target"
# Traefik
intitle:traefik inurl:8080/dashboard "target"
# Jenkins
intitle:"Dashboard [Jenkins]"

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While we hope for the best, it's important to be aware that not all members may have good intentions. Your safety and security are of utmost importance, so please take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your personal information. Please note that the admin doesn't have responsibility for any damage that may occur, but we will do our best to protect the community before any adverse impact.

Disclaimer This content has been shared under Educational And Non-Profit Purposes Only. uctafex.com has no control over the shared content and nature of the external sites.

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